About Us

Inspire. Empower. Thrive.

We have been creating values education resources and programmes for almost 30 years that promote positive values encouraging physical, emotional, social and spiritual well being or Hauora in our tamariki.

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Emotional regulation

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Mental resilience

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Spiritual awareness

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Social interaction

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Physical self-care

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Behavioural self-management

Our Initiatives

We have many resources to help parents and educators.

How we help

Our initiatives help children manage

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Our programmes provide coping strategies and promote harmony, aiding kids in managing anxiety effectively.

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Attention difficulty

We captivate kids' curiosity and foster focused learning; easing attention-related challenges.

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We build understanding and kindness, equipping kids with tools to resist and navigate bullying.

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Our initiatives nurture self-awareness and integrity; bolstering confidence in personal abilities.

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We promote self-discovery and acceptance; guiding kids in forging a secure, positive identity.

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Peer Pressure

Teaching values like self-control and trustworthiness, we empower kids to navigate peer pressure.

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What People Say About Us

Kris Metcalfe


The content your team have put together looks amazingly detailed, relevant and applicable to the current times. We are very impressed. The range of video content is engaging and pitched in an age appropriate way, as well as having the advantage of being NZ based.

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Sophie Andrews


Kids had such a great time, they are still buzzing about it and will have the memories and some new skills for a lifetime I am sure.

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Soraya Herbert

Stemwana Trust

Your organisation really understands what we are trying to achieve and as you have a lot of experience, it makes things more reliable. Also you do have amazing resources for teachers to use and we want to provide this support to them with our programme.

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Rose Minnee


Highly recommend the programmes that this awesome team of people put on! My daughter had such a fantastic time. She loved all the activities, games and colouring in, which still covers her bedroom door.

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Children reached per week


Schools connected to our resources


per year



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The team

Meet Our Team


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Kyle Keogh


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Niky Hardgrave

Engagement & Funding

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Luke Cawte

Video Maker


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Lydia Savage


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Liam Turner


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Extra Bear

Studio Pet